ooSQLite Specific Constants

The following table lists constants specific to ooSQLite. These constants have no counterpart in SQLite:

Constant Meaning
ooSQLite Result Set Format Constants
OO_ARRAY_OF_ARRAYS Result sets are returned as an array where each item in the array is an array. The array at item 1 is an array of the column names. The following items are the records of the result set.
OO_ARRAY_OF_DIRECTORIES Result sets are returned as an array where each item in the array is a Directory object. Each directory in the array contains the values of the columns in a row, where the indexes are the names of the columns.
OO_STEM_OF_STEMS Result sets are returned as a stem with tails 0 through the number of rows. Tail 0 contains the number rows and tails 1 through n contain a stem for each row. The tails of the stem of a row are the column names for the rows.
OO_CLASSIC_STEM Result sets are returned as a stem with tails 0 through the number of rows. Tail 0 contains the number rows and tails 1 through n contain a compound index, n.columnName for each row. The value of each stm.n.columnName variable is the value of the columnName column for the nth row.