
Sets a busy handler that sleeps for the specified amount of time when a table is locked. The handler sleeps multiple times until the specified time has been accumulated. After the specified milliseconds of sleeping, the handler returns 0 which causes step to return BUSY or IOERR_BLOCKED.

Arguments: The arguments are:
milliseconds The whole number of milliseconds the busy handler should sleep when a table is locked. Ifmillisecondsis less than or equal to zero all busy handlers are turned off.
Return value: This method will aways returnOK.
Remarks: After the specified milliseconds of sleeping, the handler returns 0 which causes step to return BUSY or IOERR_BLOCKED. There can only be a single busy handler for a particular database connection any any given moment. If another busy handler was defined, using busyHandler , prior to calling this routine, that other busy handler is cleared.
Details: The functionality of thebusyTimeOutmethod is similar to that of the SQLite sqlite3_busy_timeout API.
Example: This example sets a busy timeout value of 3 seconds:
db = .ooSQLiteConnection~new('phoneBook.rdbx')
if db~initCode &gt.&lt. 0 then return db~lastErrCode